quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012


A: An A tuning fork. Example: Man, my guitar's way out of tune. Can you pass me my A?
a (good) kay and a half: One and a half kilometres; the distance to anywhere from anywhere else; a long way. Example: Where's Christie's Beach? About a kay and a half that way. How far are we from home? We'd be a good kay and a half, I reckon.
A Buck One-Eighty: You have A Buck Three-Eighty. I have always heard it this way--so there's a variant. Example: Wonder if a buck three-eighty is actually the same amount as a buck one-eighty?
a buck three eighty: The price for anything. Example: Q: How much is this, sir? A: That's a buck three eighty.
a case of the ass or redass: Highly annoyed, pissed off. Currently used in US Army. Example: Sergeant Greenfield has this huge case of the ass with me ever since I wrecked his humvee.
a couple two three: I guess this means two or three. (We don't say this in Chicago. It's a weird thing they say out west or something.) Example: He had a couple two three dogs in his yard.
a dollar three eightyfive: A nonsensical price for when one does not want to give the real price. Example: How much did my Lexus cost? A dollar three eightyfive.
a double: A twenty dollar bill. Example: I've got eighty dollars on me, all I need is a double to make it a hundred. [A double sawbuck is a twenty. Read Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler to see fin, sawbuck, and double sawbuck in action.]
a fin: Five dollars. (Gamblers use it for $500.) Example: All I have is a fin and two dollars in change in my pocket.
a freddy: a pint of beer, more specifically a pint of heineken, named after the late freddy heineken Example: Two freddys and a ginger ale, please.
a happy Birthday: A phrase mostly used by guys when they catch themselves in a situation when a girl exposes some part of her anatomy without knowing it, clothed or not. Usually happens at the gym. Example: Did you see that girl's shirt? Now that is a happy birthday.
A List: The people at school who are cooler than anyone else in the school. Example: I'm not cool enough to go out with her--she's A list.
a Monet: Someone who is very good looking from a distance, yet from up close the attraction diminishes. Example: He was hot from afar, but he turned out to be a Monet when I went up to speak.
a mouse in his pocket: Phrase used to describe someone large, probably very strong, but intensely stupid. From _Of Mice and Men_[?] Example: We've got a new guy at work who worries me; I swear I think he's got a mouse in his pocket.
a nifty: A fifty dollar bill. Example: I borrowed a nifty from my mom and she upped it five bucks more.Now I owe her fifty-five dollars.
a pig in your pocket: Used when a person doesn't want to assist another. Example: What do you mean we? Is there a pig in your pocket?
a sims moment: Brief moment in which you can relate something in real life to something in the computer simulation game The Sims. Usually occurs after rounds of playing said game. Example: I'm having a sims moment. This kitchen looks almost like what I did in The Sims last night.
a sleeve: A hundred dollar bill. Example: I got seven hundred dollars, all in sleeves.
a solid: A favor. Example: Do me a solid and send me that website link.
a whole 'nother: An entirely different. I've noticed this phrase in the vocabulary of many people of various backgrounds and have even heard it on national TV, but I have yet to see it written down (before now). Example: That's a whole 'nother story.
A's and C's: n. (plural) abbr. of Arts and Crafts. Slang form, creative endeavour. Example: They're letting me out of that place today so I can do some A's and C's.
A'stake: A mistake, (Thanks, Erin.) Example: I'm sorry, I made a'stake.
A-Bag: Real estate exchanger term meaning a keeper property that would not be traded off without a substantial advantage gained. Example: That's a good property--it's A-Bag.
A-D-orable: Really adorable and cute. Example: Look at that guy, he's A-D-orable!
a-delic: Usually seen after funk, mack, or shag. Emphasizes the previous word to its maximum. Example: That lowrider is pimp-a-delic.
a-dollar-three-eighty: The price for anything. Example: Question: How much is it? Answer: A-dollar-three-eighty.

a-game: To do your best effort possible in any endeavor, not just pertaining to sports. Example: I didn't do to well on that test last week, next time I'm going to bring my A-game.
A-list: A mythical group of weblogs and personal sites (and their creators) who are simply Much Cooler Than You. It is worth noting that (a) no such list actually exists, (b) those who are on the list adamantly deny its existence, and (c) it is not the same as the Cabal. A-list is frequently used in a mocking manner by those who are not members. Example: Oh, one link from kottke.org and now you go all A-list on us! OR You haven't seen this yet? All the A-listers linked to it.
a-loin: Used in the place alone. Especially leave me alone. Example: I'm having a bad day, so just leave me a-loin.
A-madnay: (uh-mad-nay) From the French, un moment donné, at a given time. Example: We really need to catch up. Maybe we could go for coffee a-madnay.
a-scared: Like afraid, but not as dramatic. Usually an adjective, but sometimes a verb. Example: Oh, you a-scared me, I didn't know anyone was here.
A.R. three-eighty: An anal rententive person. A perfectionist. Example: Ugh, look at how he constantly straightens his hair. What an A.R. three-eighty.
Aabar: To use sly, deceitful, or illegal tactics to occupy the first place in any ordered listing, esp. phone directories. Example: You will have to aabar well to rank higher in the dictionary than this.
aaboos: Abuse. Brummie translation of the Welsh. Example: You are aaboosing me, you naughty Welshman.
aaiight!: All Right! Used in times of intense emotion. Example: Dad: Son, get in there and clean your room. Son: Aaiight!
aarqeunaamaaei: (Pronounciation: arch-ay-nay-mey) Used in the place of arch enemy. However, aarqeunaamaaei usually refers to political enemies.(Plural: aarqeunaamaaeis) Example: Fidel Castro and George W. Bush are aarqeunaamaaeis.
Aazing: Like amazing, but not quite. Example: The 30-story building was aazing.
abacoral: The backbone of a snail. Example: Hello, class. We're going to look for abacorals today.
Abal: Used by the younger generation to label a person as dumb, uncouth, unsophisticated. Example: You're just an Abal.
abbamatically: The tendency for an unbearably cloying song to repeat over and over in your head all day after hearing it on the radio. Example: More Than a Woman has been playing abbamatically in my head since breakfast.
abbeverate: To feed a person a drink, to offer a drink, or provide a drink. Example: I'm going to abbeverate our guests before they die of thirst.
Abdicate: To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach. Example: If you drink 24 beers a day you must be prepared to abdicate seeing your toes again.
abeer: used in place of ahmen, usually as a type of thanks. Example: Paul-I'll get the next round of sodas. Group (in unision)-abeer!
abella: Someone who owns everything possible. Example: That abella rules at Counter-strike.
Aberzombie: One who wears only Abercrombie & Fitch clothing. Example: Trust me, you're not his type. He's only into other Aberzombies like himself.
abnatural: an obscene violation of what is natural. Example: McDonald's food, industrial pollution, and repression of happiness are all abnatural, screaming contradictions to healthy existence.
abode: A board. A piece of lumber used to build a structure. Example: Is that abode fence?
aboot: About. Used to emphasize Canadianess. Example: You're Canadian?What are you talking aboot, eh?
abra-kebabra: The inevitability that the kebab you are consuming at 3am after one too many beers with your mates will reappear in the very near future. Example: We had almost made it home after a big night out when suddenly....abra-kebabra.
ABS: Asshole Behavior Scale. Logarithmic scale from 1 to 10 used to measure how much of an asshole someone is being. Similar to the Richter scale for earthquakes with each whole number representing an intensity 10 times greater than the next lower number. Example: Chris's extremely cranky again today. Had to be at least a 6.2 on the ABS.
absogoddamnlutely: Ultimate absolutely. Example: I am absogodamnlutely sure I've used this word hundreds of times.
absoludacris: Something absolutely ludicrous--say, to Mr. T, for example. Example: Drugs are *bad* Drugs are absoludacris.
absoludicrous: The peak of ridiculousness. Absolutely ludicrous. Example: Look! That guy has blue hair. How absoludicrous.
absonotly: Used when the intent is to most definitely decline in no uncertain terms. Example: I absonotly won't do that.
absopause: (n) When, for some odd reason, everyone shuts up and listens when you talk. Rare. Example: During the absopause, everyone heard Rob's plan.
absopositively: (adj) Absolutely and positively combined. Example: I am absopositively sure that Milton likes you.
absosilence: (n) When everyone in a noisy room becomes silent at the same time with no apparent cause. Example: Three-hundred people shut up at the same time. The absosilence was weird.
Absotively: Combination of absolutely and positively. Usually used an answer to a request. Example: Q: Will you go to the store for me?A: Absotively.
absotively-posilutely: Scrambled absolutely and positively. Example: I am absotively-posilutely sure about that.
abstractional-dopmology: The study of brown dots in any carpet. Example: I see you've been catching up on your abstractional-dopmology.
Absurdbaijan: (n) The realm or domain of absurd ideas. Example: John must be from Absurdbaijan; he thinks aliens are spying on him with mashed potatoes.
abuba: Huh? Example: My math teacher asked me, Can you prove that there are infinitely many real numbers? I replied, Abuba?
abyssagation: A void before a great discovery, as well as a person who has writers' block and then writes better than he's ever written. Example: Any inventor has experienced abyssagation in his life at least once.
Abyssicaletphedence: An endless nothingness of boredom. Example: James sat in abyssicaletphedence druing class.
abyssinia: I'll be seeing you. Example: Abyssinia!
AC: Atlantic City, New Jersey. Example: AC is a pretty ghetto town.
Accckkkk: Exclamation. Example: Accckkkk! The monkey sold the liver I was planning on using for the transplant.
accellurate: To add (a lot, and fast) extra minutes to your cellular plan. Example: I've been accellurated to 3000 minutes on nights and weekends.
accipurp: A deliberate act intended to appear accidental Example: I hit him by accipurp.
accipurpodentally: Accidentally on purpose, when you meant to do something but pretend you really didn't. Example: I accipurpodentally hit on my sister's guy friend.
accordianated: Being able to refold a road map and drive at the same time. Example: She showed how accordianated she was by folding up the road map and steering the car at the same time.
accribitz, deccribitz: Used in an episode of the TV show _Veronica's Closet_ when a character could not think of a synonym for increase or decrease. Example: I expect sales figures to accribitz in the next quarter.
ace: One's best friend. Example: Jim's my ace.
ace: excellent, great Example: I had an ace time at Jeff's party!
ace: Ass, fool. Example: I ran into a wall today, and felt like an ace.
aces: Said in a very excited moment, when there is just nothing else to say. From poker, where the best hand is five aces. Example: A. That gorgeous babe over there just asked me for your phone number. B. Aces!
achecanantooch: To eat foreign food. Example: I'm hungry. Let's achecanantooch all night!
acheye: The pain you feel in your eyes after looking at a screen for ages. Example: Acheye is really setting in now; but, boy, is this screen entertaining.
Achoo: Used when a conversation is boring, to stir excitement or some type of response, using follow by something like Oh, all the silence is making me sneeze. Example: .... Achoo! Oh, Bless me, I'm allergic to silence.
achuwie: A varation of the word actually; a poor pronunciation of actually, often caused by speaking too fast. Example: I achuwie am getting too excited. That's why my speech is slurred.
ack: Exclamation used to indicate surprise, irritation, or disgust, often with one's own actions. Example: Ack! I deleted my entire inbox!
acklapootis: Cool, awesome, etc. Example: Angelina Jolie is one acklapootis babe when she gets to talkin' about her and Billy Bob.
aclueistic: Incapable of having a clue Example: If you have to ask, you must be aclueistic.
acluistic: Not having a clue. Example: Those cable repair guys are acluistic.
acrapulate: Word used for describing a large amount of useless junk collected over a period of time . Example: I can't believe how much I've acrapulated over the years.
acribit: To increase.Example: There are many ways to acribit your wealth.(P.S. Why would you write, Please use the word you are submitting in the example?Are people honestly that stupid? Err, sorry, forget I said that. ;)
acrojumble: Using too many acronyms. Such as, I'd love to, but it is the DFR deadline week for all KIXs and ZSWs. Example: Her memo was unreadable because of severe acrojumble.
acronize: To provide an acronym for. Example: I tried to acronize his name into a befitting insult, but failed to produce anything suitable.
Acronyze: (verb) The process of shortening phrases, via an acronym, for the purpose of simplifing statements. Typically used in technical data reporting or inter-office e-mails.(IE FUBAR or KISS)Example: I didn't realize that phrase had been acronyzed.
Action tooth: A gold tooth. Can also mean to smile, as in Show me your action tooth. Example: I got some pictures of you the other night flashing your action tooth.
adalada: Ay-duh-la-duh. Not a lot. Example: Brandon: What's goin on?Nicky: Adalada.
adam henry: From the phonetical representation for the letters a and h. Typically used by law enforcement officers on the radio to inform another officer that the person they are dealing with is behaving like an asshole. Example: 104 to Control; start additional assistance for an adam henry
adda be: Congratulatory phrase, often used in a sarcastic manner. Example: Your girlfriend just slapped you in front of the whole school? Adda be, doofus.
addictant: what you are addicted to Example: Nicotine is quite an addictant.
addictefreak: One who is addicted to something 24/7. Example: Boy, Sam is sure an addictefreak when it comes to StarCraft.
Addy: short form of address Example: What is your addy? What is the addy?
adevo: A generally exaggerated amount. Also used to refer to smack downs in video games. Example: Who wants to feel the adevo power?
Adger: A mistake, or pathetically stupid remark in conversation, usually involving disastrous consequences,which could have been avoided with even the slightest amount of forethought. Example: Oh, mate, that certainly was an enormous adger you made there, and now you look a right tit.
adipolli: Superb,Fantastic. Example: The stage show was adipolli.
admin: Administrator. Also used to describe one who knows nothing about her job and ends up doing it poorly. Example: Slim: Grrr. Who chose these workstations anyway? And why this software? Bob: Oh, that'd be the admin.
administraitor: A semi-high-level government employee who blows the whistle on her agency. Example: Our former boss, Harvey, sure put a lot of us out of work. Damned administraitor.
administrivia: Small print at the bottom of written documents, particularly those written by corporate lawyers. Example:
administrivial, administrivia: (adj, n) The useless corporate act of filling out development plans, status reports, email correspondence, replying to voicemail, etc. The things nobody would do unless he had to. Example: I spent three hours taking care of all the administrivia (administrivial stuff) this afternoon.
adorababe: Adorable + babe. Used when someone is both hot and cute. Example: My girlfriend is perfect, she's adorababe.
adorabubble: Super adorable. Almost too cute for words. Used to describe a person or object that makes you smile uncontrollably or tugs at your heart strings. Can be used to describe both actions and appearance. Example: 1. The waitress brought my food and smiled at me in a way that was so adorabubble that I couldn't help but smile throughout my whole meal. 2. The kitten was cute, fuzzy, and tiny, and mewed in this little cute voice. We all agreed it was completely adorabubble and knew we had to take it home with us.
adorkable: Being adorable in a dorky sort of way. Example: When Eric started to dance the jig at the concert he looked adorkable.
adultyishness: Adult-like behavior. Example: She always displayed adultyishness. Even at the age of four.
adunyaha: A variation of duh, to be used only under extreme circumstances. Example: A. Neil Armstrong went to the moon.B. Adunyaha.
advancity: An advanced state. Example: My mind boggles at your language advancity.
advilation: The act of taking anti-inflammatory medications on a regular basis, together with elevation one's leg. For example, to encourage more rapid healing of a broken ankle following surgery. Example: The doctor prescribed advilation as treatment for the swelling and pain in my foot.
aerobigitate: The process of agitated oxygen molecules forming bubble pockets at the bottom of the sea that eventually are released and bubble to the surface. A complex word deriving from the words aerobe (organism in an oxegen based atmosphere) and agitate (to stir up, mix together). Example: On land, to form rain clouds, evaporation takes place; whereas, in the ocean aerobigitation occurs creating bubbling.
aerodynamicy: Aerodynamic. Example: Rounding the front end and tapering the back end will add to the wings' aerodynamicy.
aerospew: Spouting endless streams of meaningless words. Example: The Senator's aerospew won him reelection.
aewog: Sound emitted by a tadpole the moment it becomes a frog. Example: Aewog! croaked the newly-formed amphibian in a joyous tone.
Afeared: Afraid as used in vernacular, usually used by Southerners in book dialogue. Example: Huck, I'm afeared o' this here cave.
Affer: Knowing or realizing something. Example: I affer that the Detroit Red Wings will win the Stanley Cup.
afflickaration: a momentary power loss Example: the school alarms are going off and computers are not working because of the afflickaration
affluential: Simultaneous possession of both money and power (or influence). Example: When I'm affluential, I won't have to worry about anything.
Affrotolerance: The tolerance of tight perms. Example: Check out his do. He must have a real affrotolerance to sport that barnet. (Barnet is colloquial London slang for hairdo.)
afrodesiac: A hot, sexy black man. Afro is optional. Example: Ooh, girl, check out the afrodesiac walking this way.
Agamemnon eats toast: Yet another all-purpose expletive to be used when words like dammit are just too strong. Bound to confuse a good 95 percent of the people around you. Example: Upon getting to a class and realizing you're completely unprepared, Agamemnon eats toast! (Note: this works particularly well if the lecture you've just wandered into is on classical mythology.)
age: Suffix placed on the end of just about anything for no particular reason. Sometimes used just for variety, sometimes used to createinterjections from verbs. Used extensively at one time by Amanda Quan of Seattle, WA. Example: A. Hook me up some cheeseage. 2. (After pulling off a difficult nosegrind on your skateboard) Ooh! Grindage!
Agent 21: The member of you group of friends who just turned 21. Usually forced to go buy alcohol when the group runs out. Usually done for revenge for all the times you bought beer for them when they were under 21. Example: Hey, Agent 21, we just ran out of beer. Your turn to go get a case.
Ages of crap, half-assed piece: When something becomes too difficult to be used. Annoys people to no end, for...it forces peple to try, but to no avail. Example: I got stuck in Max Payne yesterday. What an Ages of crap, half-assed piece....
agg: Pertaining to something that is less than satisfactory or undesirable. Example: That video game is totally agg.
aggrannoyed: The point at which you become aggressive. Example: She kept on and kept on about my dress until I became aggrannoyed.
Aggregutter: The eventual result or harm caused by extreme accounting irregularities. Example: A gross amount of creative accounting eventually sent the stock into the aggregutter.
aggro-pablum: Mock-agressive music marketed primarily to youngsters. Reference Limp Bizkit and their ilk. Example: Music isn't dangerous any more. Bands like Tool are just so much aggro-pablum.
Agilethic: Characterized by natural or developed quickness, lightness, and ease of movement; nimble. Example: Jamie's agilethic prowess put him above the rest of the athletes.
agnelicate: Any sticky or glutinous liquid of unknown or unusual form generally without distinctive smell Example: You have agnelicate on your sleeve.
agnorant: Arrogant and ignorant Example: Most NJ drivers are agnorant.
Agouraphobia: Someone afraid of living in Agoura. Agoura is in the San Fernando Valley in California. Example: You may have a fear of open places (agoraphobia); I have Agouraphobia.
agrajag!: Exclamation. My way of reminding myself that even though my situation's really really bad, it could easily be worse.See _Life, the Universe and Everything_ by Douglas Adams for more. Example: Agrajag!
agreeance: When two or more people come to an agreement on an issue.Example: My former boss actually used this word in meetings: Now that we are all in agreeance on the project we can establish our timeline.
agreeing machine: Someone who agrees with people so that they can become friends; comes from Kurt Vonnegut's_Breakfast Of Champions_. Example: I had to re-evaluate my friendship with Steve once I realized that he is an agreeing machine.
Agro: Means extreme aggrovation or aggression/anger. Example: I have massive Dad agro right now because I crashed the car into the garage.
agro, aggro: To be feeling or acting severely annoyed or displeased. Example: Candace just went agro all over that sales clerk.
agrobabble: To talk in (confusing) technical terms about agriculture or horticulture Example: When they explained what the workmen were doing in the garden I didn't understand a word. It was agrobabble to me.
ahbagtorificahhh: the noise you make when you step on to a a thumb tack with all of your weight Example: ahbagtorificahhh! My foot!
ahgt: A dislike for all screwdrivers that aren’t clear Example: That handyman has an ahgt.
ahmunna, omminnuh: A foreshortening or corruption of the phrase I am going to... Heard in everyday conversation many times a day, especially in northeastern cities. Example: Ahmunna get some lunch. Ahmunna go straight home after work. Ahmunna go to the Pirates game Sattidy. Ahmunna start speaking clearly.
Ahnpakatanakiwuzhiner: Ahn-paak-ah-tah-nah-kee-woo-zhi-nehr.A male child who is the middle child in a family of three children.The child is usually eccentric but intelligent. Example: Robert was an ahnpakatanakiwuzhiner. His older brother and younger sister were not as smart as he was.
aight: An acknowledgement. Example: Aight, then let's go.
airbiscuit: Foul stench emitted as by-product of digestion Example: Better hold your nose. I've just floated an airbiscuit your way.
airdale: U.S. Naval Term. Any naval crewman that either flies in naval aircraft, or, even though ground or ship-based, is directly assigned to one of the naval ratings (job categories) that support flying operations. In common use in today’s U.S. Navy, the origin of the term is not clear, though it obviously derives from the “air” aspect of flying. It is one of three terms that very generally classifies a sailor into one of the three levels on which the Navy operates and fights: below the sea (bubbleheads), on the sea (skimmers), and above the sea (airdales). Example: One sailor speaking to another: “What does Jones do on the aircraft carrier?” “He’s an airdale.”
aireolplabn: What drunk people fly in. Example: Uurrhh...time to get into the aireolplabn.
airier: Where there is more air. Example: It's too stuffy in here. Let's go outside where it is airier.
airish: Of weather that is rather cool, but not cold.Example: It's rather airish today, don't you think?
airishable: An adjective used, as far as I know, only by my wife's mother, to describe a sudden sensation of coolness or a quick drop in temperature. Almost always preceded by the adverb mite. Example: I think I'll put my sweater on. It's getting a mite airishable all of a sudden.
Ajasopunctualism: Being beside the point. Example: Random comments in a conversation are often ajasopunctualism.
ajax: An exceptionally attractive girl. Example: Check out that girl, she's ajax.
akalaitis: Unpleasant term for a vague ailment, usually of the upper respiratory tract. Example: I can't come out and play, my acute akalaitis is acting up again.
aks: Used by Bogan's to replace the word ask. Example: It wasn't me, aks anyone!
akshat: 1. The holy rice applied on forehead of human on auspicious occassion in Hindus.2. One who couldn't be hurt. Kshat in Hindi means who could be hurt (K remains silent.) and in Hindi when a is written before any word it means just opposite of that word. Example: 1. Hey, apply akshat now.2. He has got akshat body.
Akward: Ass backward Example: Man you peopl are akward.
Al-oholic: A person who is addicted to Weird Al Yankovic. Example: After hearing Weird Al's first album, I became an Al-oholic.
alamak: Slang for Oh my god! Asian style. Used when a friend makes a mistake so dumb that.... Example: Alamak! Wake up your ideas!
alap: Acronym for As Long As Possible. Example: He had to take the abuse, threats, and taunts in order to keep the money flowing ALAP.
albumnesia: A mental condition whereby one loses all memory of what music to buy when entering a record store. Example: I was about to get Pete's newest CD, but albumnesia set in the moment I got in the store.
alchitude: Al-ka-tude. The psudo-confidence or attitude one develops after a few alchoholic beverages. Example: He's got alchitude.
alcohoholic: An accusation made by someone that is inebriated towards someone else who is perceived to be more inebriated. Example: In a slurred voice: Hey, Chris. You're an alcohoholic! (Followed by vomiting.)
alcohol abuse: The spilling, waste, or destruction of otherwise perfectly good booze. It only retains this meaning when said in jest and affection. Alcohol abuse usually occurs after someone has had enough to drink but can occur anytime. Example: The beer fairy was bumped and dropped the entire tray of fresh brews. Everyone groaned to see so much alcohol abuse.
alcoholique: An alcoholic who drinks from the top shelf, preferably in martini glasses. Does not include top-shelf beers. Example: Have you heard the rumour? Britney Spears is a bonafide alcoholique.
aldoh: although Example: aldoh m old me still a prankster
ale-adote: The best cure for a hard day or week...an ale. Example: It has been a real tough week. I think I need a an ale-adote tonight.
aleeanated: Having offended someone under the influence of beer. Example: I really aleeanated Geoff the other day when I got smashed and commented on his mother's likeness to a mountain goat.
aleoxide: The vapor that forms when a bottle or can of beer is opened. Example: The aleoxide represents the bouquet of the of the beer.
aleticipation: The anticipation of ale. Most intense immediately before quaffing the first pint on a Friday arvo. Example: Its 4.30 on a friday, and I am overcome with aleticipation - give me the beer!
alfie: To ponder the meaning of your own existence. Example: Her insomnia caused her to lay awake and alfie all night.
algebras: Phone number (digits). From The Jamie Foxx Show. Example: That honey's cute. Slip her my algebras.
algebratize: To algebratize is to simplify a complicated mathematical result using algebra to make it more elegant (and more likely to match the answer in the back of the book and multiple choice answers on a standardized test, like the AP calculus exam). Example: In calculus, when the result of a derivative uses both the quotient and chain rules, it is usually worth your time to algebratize the answer. The algebratization (noun variant) is much easier to check in the back of the book.
Alice: A generic name given to someone who is bothering you. Not limited to females. Example: Hey, Alice, if you can't drive it, park it.
alkisedated: To be sedated by alcohol, passed out. Example: I was alkisedated and woke up in a cow pasture only wearing one shoe.
all: A shortened way of saying: All gone. All done. All over. Used in the Lancaster County area of PA. Example: I have to go to the store, because the milk is all. We can open the windows now that the rain is all. The traffic was bad after the ball game was all.
all about: Used to show intense enthusiasm. Example: Guys, I'm all about leaving. Yeah, well, I'm all about finishing my burger.
all blown up: To be paged a lot or called a lot on a cell phone. Example: I've been all blown up today.
all flurbudgeoned: Agitated and confused. Example: I got all flurbudgeoned when Mike unexpectedly asked me out.
all kinds of: Extremely. Example: Your idea is all kinds of stupid.
all kinds of _____: Very much. Adjective or verb can go in blank. Redundant way to describe something if you're stupid. Example: That movie was all kinds of stupid.That double quarter pounder with cheese combo supersized with coke was all kinds of tasty.
All Show, No Go: A car that looks flashy, with an expensive paintjob, chrome running gear, blue shop lights stuck to the undercarriage, tinted windows, shiny 20-inch wheels, deck stripes, and a gold chain license plate frame--but still has an anemic 4 banger under the hood. Example: Did you see that flashy little rice burner trying to race me? Ha, all show, no go!
All squared away: Have things all taken care of. Example: Did you and Sam get things all squared away?
all y'all: More than two people Example: Are all y'all going to the party?
all your base are belong to us: From the game Zero Wing for the Sega Genesis, the result of not enough money being spent on translation. Used to indicate victory or general superiority over someone or something. Has become enormously popular among internet geeks. Example:
allatime: All the time. Example: He makes that face allatime when he's upset.
Alligator: A person who makes allegations. Example: There's been allegations made, and we need to find out who the alligator is.
alligator property: Real estate terminology meaning a negative cash flow property Example: That's a real alligator property--its payment is $200.00 more a month than the rental income.
allner: A partner who acts likes he owns everything; a former partner who now owns everything. Example: His ex life-partner stole so much you could now call her an absent allner.
alloneword: Containing no spaces, as in an internet or email address. Example: My email address is JohnSmith, alloneword, at AOL dot com.
alloway: hello Example: allway how goes life y'all
allugot: All you have; everything. Example: How much do you think this marriage will cost? Allugot.
Ally McHurl: Someone who has an eating disorder. Example: I don't know why he asked her to dinner--she's an Ally McHurl.
allymcbealing: Talking to oneself aloud and having hallucinations. Example: Oh, my Ggod, I'm allymcbealing!
alphanerd: Manager of Information Services, any IT professional from whom other IT workers take direction. Geekish IT person who has been forced into management. Example: A: What kind of IT resources will we need to implement this accounting policy?B: I dunno. I'll need to fly it past the alphanerd.
alponium: The odor that wafts up after opening a can of dog or cat food. Example: The moment I opened the can I was mobbed by dogs excited by the sudden release of alponium.
alpopuck: Empty dogfood dish being pushed across the floor by a hungry dog. Example: Harvey could be heard pushing his alpopuck across the kitchen with hopes to find one last morsel of food.
altaneor: A place where strange things happen. Example: In the altaneor of The Bermuda Triangle another ship has disappeared without a clue.
altivious: The word describes things that are stupid, idiotic, etc. Instead of saying something is gay you say it is altivious (that way it's PC and not hate speech). Example: That movie sucked! becomes That movie was altivious!
altonestrogen: Uh. Example: Well, altonestrogen, it really has been a hard day.
altzheimer's: A condition afflicting chronic hipsters who can no longer recall if they like something genuinely, or ironically. Example: As Ron stared in bewilderment at the hideous leather pants and retro Star Wars sheets he had just purchased, he realized his Altzheimer's was advancing with terrifying speed.
ALYWING: acting like your working Example: Stop ALYWING. I know better, Missy.
alzphoners disease: the disease that occurs when someone constantly says 'Ill Call Ya Tonite and never does Example: My man has the worst case of alzphoners disease Ive ever seen
Amadeus: Describes a person or attitude which is musically inclined. Example: Wow listen to him play! He's gettin' all Amadeus over there.
amahyeud: A fnerry person who likes to laugh a lot. Example: Stop it, you amahyeud! You're laughing like crazy.
Amasnic: Pronounced with a hard 's': an adjective to describe something that is amazing, orgasmic, and fantastic. Example: That slice of pie was completely amasnic.
amazoness: Amazon + -ess, the feminine suffix. One of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia who is a female; as opposed to one of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia who is a male. Example: In English language, the term Amazon is feminine. The suffix -ess is also feminine. Thus, the invented word Amazoness is a redundancy.
Ambeyonce: Ambience + Beyonce (Knowles, member of Destiny's Child) = Ambeyonce.The enhancement of one's environment by the addition of music performed by the group Destiny's Child. Example: Girl, turn up 'Bootylicious.' We need some ambeyonce up in here
Ambiamerican: American who has double nationalities, but both must be North American or South American. Example: He is from Mexico but he is also American, so he is Ambiamerican.
Ambiamourous, ambiamorous: Loving two people at the same time. Example: I can't choose between Harvey or Stanley. I'm totally ambiamourous.
ambidexnoxious: The ability to tick people off left and right. Example: Most politicians are ambidexnoxious.
ambidextrilonomous: The ability to fight with two swords, one in each hand. Example: The ambidextrilonomous warrior stood before his enemy....
Ambidextrousnessnossity: This word means the amount that a person is ambidextrous. developed during a game of DnD Example: He has a very high ambidextrousnessnossity
ambidiguous: The ability to use both hands for either meaning. Example: The trouble with understanding her is that she's ambidiguous. I didn't know which hand to believe.
ambigusexual: Of undetermined sexual orientation. Example: Is he gay? I don't know. He's being ambigusexual.
ambimoustrous: Equally adept at using a computer's mouse with either hand - often in reaction to early-onset RSI. Example: Oh, Paul's mouse is always on the wrong side of the PC - he's not a leftie though, he's ambimoustrous.
ambipodius: Ability to stick either foot in your mouth. Example: Did you know I'm ambipodius?
ambipodrous: Able to use either foot equally to kick a ball. Example: The goallie never knows which foot he will kick with because he is ambipodrous.
ambisexterous: Can go either way. Example: Sam had sex with Cindy this morning and Matthew this afternoon.
ambisinistrous: The opposite of ambidextrous; defined as the quality of being a klutz with either hand. Example: You're ambisinistrous, aren't you? See if you can screw it up righthanded.
ambiturner: One who can turn both left and right. From the film _Zoolander_, screenplay by Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. Example: Derek Zoolander, I'm not an ambiturner.
ambivaliant: Brave in the face of the unexpected. Example: The ambivaliant scout leader found a cave for his troop when the storm begun.
ambivasexual: Ambivalent toward sex. Often happens near the end of a relationship. Example: My heart just isn't into it. I'm feeling abivasexual toward him.
ambivextrous: Used to describe someone who is going to be annoyed no matter what you do. Example: Oh, don't waste your time trying to figure out what'll make her happy--she's ambivextrous.
ambulanche: Ambulance avalanche. An onslaught of emergency vehicles in full siren mode that appear out of nowhere, usually resulting in your missing a turn or taking the wrong exit on the freeway. Example: Sorry I'm late, but I was caught in an ambulanche and ended up on the Jersey Turnpike.
Amersham: 1. The sneeze that doesn't quite come. 2. A rather sweet town in the UK. Example: A:AAAAaaaaaaa... B: That was one hell of an amersham.
Amiland: German nickname for the USA. Example: Next summer holidays, I'll go to Amiland.
Amish ass-crack of dawn: Early morning hours, before 9 am. Example: Why do I have a 9 o'clock class? I have to get up at the Amish ass-crack of dawn.
amma: I am going to. Sometimes spelled I'm a. Example: Amma be finished with my SATs around noon.
amn't: Am not. Example: I amn't interested.
amn't: A compound word meaning am not.When you want to use proper English don't use aren't. You wouldn't use are not, would you? Example: I amn't going to the store right now, maybe later.
amoeba bill: In romantic relationships, a person who is emotionally unavailable to you (within mere days) but is always open to romantic opportunities with others. Example: Eustace courted Raven with ardency until two days later when he met Brigitte. He then proceeded to appall Raven with his passionate compliments about Brigitte. What an amoeba bill.
amonet: From the movie Clueless. A person who is good-looking from far away, but up close.... Example: I thought that girl over there was a babe at first, but she turned out to be a full amonet.
amorroneous: From amor and erroneous...the wrong time for romance Example: Don't be amorroneous; we'rein public.
ampedified: Modified to look better than the real thing. An image improved with Photoshop. Example: I don't believe that's what he looks like. I am sure those pictures were ampedified.
amsterdamaged: To return from a trip from Amsterdam not completely intact. To be hung over or not fully recovered from partying too hard. Example: Man, was we amsterdamaged after last night.
AMT: Actress-Model Type. A pervasive class of people that are best identified immediately and dealt with accordingly. Example: I haven't heard from Pete in days because he's seeing some AMT.
amtrak: To lose your train of thought; to forget what you're saying in the middle of a .... Example: I amtraked in class today. I was explaining Einstein's Theory of Relativity and right as I said E=mc, I completely forgot what I was saying.
amuseal: Combination of amusement and perusal. Something that one examines or reads that also provides entertainment.Example: Attached is a PDF for your amuseal.
amuzimatistical: amazing Example: That track by method man was straight up amuzimatistical.
Amway Christian: A fundamentalist Christian who has forgotten the original message of Jesus Christ--to help the less fortunate. Amway Christians subvert the message to instead become a celebration of how rich Jesus has made them. Socially conservative Christians who utilize multi-level marketing, akin to Amway Corporation, combining Christianity and capitalism without seeing the contradiction. Example: The Alliance Church parking lot is full of Mercedes and Lexuses. The Amway Christians must be having their bible study meeting.
an emotional chiropractor: A mother. I once sent my mother a Mother's Day card that said Happy Day, You Mother. She never commented about it, but I don't believe she liked it or thought is was funny.Example: Mom's an emotional chiropractor, better than any psychriatrist or psychologist could possibly be. Sit up straight. Eat your biscuits and gravy; they'll stick to your ribs. Stand up for yourself. Don't be a spineless jellyfish. Show them you have some backbone. Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
an' so: Used at the end of a sentence, usually when asking a question. Example: Let's go down by the lake, an' so?
analjeeezic: A sportsrub that is shockingly too cold, or too hot. Example: Warn me first. Is it analjeeezic?
Analog: Outdated or old-fashioned. Opposite of digital. Example: Using a paper day planner is analog, so I prefer my pocket computer.
anarchaholic: An alcoholic whose method of rationalization involves an indictment of governmental bodies and the capitalist economic system. Example: Larry's anarchaholic tendencies irritated even the most open and tolerant of the squatters.
anarchitecture: Anarchic architecture, creative destruction. A city with no planning and with no respect for construction standards. Example: Frank Lloyd Wright must have thought New York City to be a great example of anarchitecture. Asked what could be done with the city, he suggested dropping an atomic bomb on it.
anarcho-fascism: The theory that an anarchic society, having no infringements, can and should be brought about through a harsh authoritarian state. It is believed that since the people don't come to this freedom on their own, it must be imposed on them. Example: When Mr. X rose to power, he created a society based on anarcho-fascism.
ancaster: A person who, whether in a church or any other gathering, when the crowd is asked to say something in unison, is always a syllable and a half behind everyone else. Example: Teacher: Good Morning, classClass: Good morning, teacherAncaster: -eacherTeacher: How are you today?Class: Fine thanks, how are you?Ancaster: -are you?
anchovy: A young female age 13-25 who has no class. Girls who act stupid and criticize others for doing the same. Example: Check out that anchovy in the mini-skrit, she's sitting with her legs open.
and baby Jesus cried: Used after an intense series of words leading up to or describing a period of deep sorrow. Example: I crashed my car, I failed the test, I forgot her birthday...and baby Jesus cried.
andor: substitute for and/or Example: we eat andor drink
andreened: To end up with the short stick as a matter of bad luck. To find oneself in a position of compromise soley imposed by circumstances either ridiculous or beyond one's control. Example: ie...Have you seen Frank's wife since she had the baby, what hog......he sure got andreened.
andybonics: Nonsense word used during a speech when the speaker is at a loss for words or is off script. Example: Clinton resorted to andybonics when he lost his place during a speech.
aneurhythmic: Something so good, rhythmic, or obscure it nearly gives you an aneurysm trying to comprehend it. Example: Whoa! That Nirvana song is aneurhythmic.
aneurism: Freaking out. Example: Some water spills on your friend and she starts freaking out. Don't have an aneurism, it's just water.
angels rubbing my eyes: I'm feeling really tired. Especially after a night of drinking. Example: Eerugh, my stomach hurts and I've got angels rubbing my eyes.
Angrifying: To make angry. Example: Grrrowl! That no carrying backpacks around school rule is really angrifying.
Angro: Angry + aggravated, similar to aggro. Example: Joe wouldn't always be so angro if he'd stop taking steriods.
angrulo: Angry, frustrated, annoyed, hot-tempered. Example: Did you hear him yell? He was one angrulo guy.
Angry Bogan: A discontented and disillusioned individual, angry at the world, with a penchant for wearing flannel. Example: Hey AJ, did you see that Angry Bogan in the Torana with the Jim Beam sticker on the back?
Angry-la: Angry-la: a place either in your mind or in a community where either a state of anger persists (as in the mind) or where anger exists collectively within a community. Example: No matter how pleasantle he's treated, he always behaves, reacts, or replies like a resident of Angry-la.
anguloravehorribilis: Being caught in the corner by the most boring person at a party. Example: Look. Patrick just got anguloravehorribilised by Chris.
angus: To become very angry and possibly hurt someone Example: Q: So what happened then? A: I just started to get all angus and had to leave before I slapped him upside the head.
animalification: A literary device. Used when attributing animal characteristic to something which is clearly not an animal--similar to personification. Example: The author made great use of animalification in his novel.
AniMe: An image of a person done up to look like a character from an anime film, usually flattering. Example: Suzie's wicked blog featured flashing gifs, brave use of bright green and best of all, a customised AniMe that highlighted her killer bod.
anime-hair: Extreme case of bed head in which hair defies gravity and all known normal shape, similar to anime cartoon characters. Example: Stan woke up again with anime hair and headed for the shower immediately.
animousity: vigorously clicking your pointer device because a page is loading too slowly. Example:
Animutation: An animation of some kind thats gone beyond the realm of normalcy. Animutations normally are visuals to crazy japanese songs that are intentionally rough around the edges. Example: This animutation features Colin machrie as Batman
aning: To be anally retentive. Example: Bob spent hours aning over the code in his webpage.
anjalistic: Innocent; trusts everybody, at times unassumingly. Example: The girl anjalistically talked to the man, who was years older than her, unaware of his flirting with her.
ankle: To be of exceptionally low standing, approximately three feet below an asshole. Example: No, Chris's definitely lower than an asshole, more like an ankle.
ankle biter: Someone of little account, who criticizes others who are much better than she is. Like a little dog that barks and jumps around, trying to bite people's ankles. Example: That guy who said you could never do the job is just an ankle biter.
ankle napkins: Your socks, when you need to wipe your hands and you don't have anything else to wipe them on. Example: John: (after sneezing into hands) Do you have any tissues? Beth: No, I'm out. John: Guess I'll use my ankle napkins.
anklebiter: Short people. Example: Look at the anklebiter over there.
ankles: may be used in place of swell. Example: How was your day? Just ankles, thanks!
annat: And that. Used by ferals to complete a sentence that encompasses more than the speakers' vocabulary will allow her to express. Example: We went down to the library and it was full of books annat.
Annie Audix: The woman who is the voice behind the popular Audix (TM) Voicemail system. Example: Annie Audix told me I have 17 new messages.
annoyeristic: one who has a habit of being annoying in a teasing manner, one who is enjoys good natured jokes Example: I have a habit of being annoyeristic.
Anonamuse: Humourous word, phrase, saying from a forgotten or unknown source. Example: Did you make that joke up yourself?No, actually, it was an anonamuse.
anonymize: The removal of all distinguishing characteristics in a person or thing, for example a strip mall. To make anonymous. Example: This area of the city has been anonymized.
anonymousity: The act of expressing hatred or anger in a secret, covert way Example: The anonymousity of the perpetrators is what disturbed me the most.
Anotartive: To be overly ignorant and obnoxious; stupid. Example: Chris has this tendency to be anotartive. Oh, you've noticed it, too.
antagoggolin: Same as the word, diagonal Example: Go across the field antagoggolin, it will be the shortest route.
anteloped: Ever want to convey the sense of something moving like a prancing pronghorn, but without all the funny looks when you say like a prancing pronghorn? Then anteloped is the word for you! Example: The dog sat up and anteloped out of the dining room into the kitchen.
anthropologetic: Feeling remorseful about the elimination of a culture. Example: After burning the Shilakkalak tribe out of their homes, the explorer felt a bit anthropologetic.
anti-magogophone: The opposite of something. Example: This is the complete anti-magogophone to their assertion.
anti-miracle: Something that happens by some quirk of fate, but is bad instead of good. Similar to a miracle, but has a bad effect. Example: If by some anti-miracle the presentations are fast and I end up presenting today, I'll shoot myself in the face.
anti-safe: (ant-eye-say-f). Descriptive word used when proclaiming that something is not all that great. Example: Hey, Paul, they're towing your car!Anti-safe!
Anticipointment: A greatly awaited event that turns out to be a fizzer. Example: For some, Y2K was an event of great anticipointment, especially if you were holed up in a shed in the desert surrounded by cans of Spam
anticonstitutionnellement: A French word that I want to put in an English dictionary, the longest non-technical word in French. Example: I do not know about those anticonstitutionnellement.
antidenim: Any fabric that isn't denim. Example: Check out her new antidenim skirt.
antipastarian: A person who is morally oposed to pasta.Example: Graeme will not eat pasta because of his antipastarian beliefs.
Antipathic: Against feeling, heartless. Example: He was antipathic to her.
ANTIPROSTYLE: Mean the position aborded by a persone hesitating and undecided between not doing or doing a thing: for it and in the same time against it,a situation which characterize a lot of people. This aspect of disorder is from long time a lifestyle,and that is the best word which can it describe. Example: 1. Ramona is a veritable example of antiprostyle, in the same time she wants to not go and to go to see the movie.2. More beautiful things could take place in society if antiprostyle would be abandonnated.
antiscurvies: Green vegetables, or limes, for avoidance of scurvy. Example: No desert until you eat your antiscurvies.
antittilate: (v) To tickle or prod with any sort of rod-like object, esp. an antenna. Example: Despite the woman's scorn, Sven was antittilated by the icy tip of the ten-foot pole.
antochent: A yard full of ant hills. Example: I've got an antochent.
any brushes?: Musician slang: You're playing too loud/fast/slow and maybe you'd better 'tone it down.'Shorthand for turn it down--you're too loaded, etc. Example: Yo, Ringo? RINGO?! Any brushes?
anyhoo: Play on anyhow Example: Anyhoo, I think I should go now.
anykey: It is what dumb people look for when there computer tells them to press any key. Example: Where's the anykey?
anywho: A variation on the word anyway, usually to be followed by a long pause and a change in topic of conversation. Example: Anywho, that's enough of talking about Dave. What's up with you?
anywhoodles: Play on anyhow. Example: Anywhoodles, I think I should go now.
aohater: One who hates users of the America Online internet service provider. Example: You guys are all aohaters. Leave use AOL users alone.
Aomori: One who is very gifted in music. Specifically used to describe a Julliard student. Example: Did you see how fast that aomori played the concerto? He did it in a second.
apas: as possible as soon Example: I'll come apas
ape-fest: A rowdy party. Danish. Example: Erasmus's birthday party was an ape-fest.
ape-touching: Describes an item that a person is in great awe of. A reference to the Dawn of Man scene in _2001: A Space Odyssey_. Example: That's an ape-touching new widescreen TV you've got there.
Apenuts: To go crazy. To be crazy about something, or simply lose your mind, like going senile or mad.Example: Upon receiving a strong dose of catnip, the feline warrior went apenuts.
apinfinate: To do something unexpected when all expectations and current trends suggest that an event is not going to happen Example: My stocks apinfinated.
aplus: See you later. From the French a plus tard. Even shorter, a+. Example: I'm leaving now. Aplus.
apperceivement: like the word apperceive partially digested by the word perceivement. this word implies perceivement, but with more of the sense of physically undergoing the perceived experiance. Example: It seemed now that she existed in a new, separate reality far beyond her physical apperceivement.
apple knocker: a hick or redneck, someone who runs around in overalls and knocks apples off trees with a stick Example: That guy from Mountain Top, PA sure is an apple knocker.
appletite: Desire for apples. Example: The aroma of apple pie baking will usually stimulate my appletite.
appreciagate: Being both grateful and appreciative. Example: I really appreciagate all you've done for me!
apropospropriate: Not only right, but right at the right time. Example: His remark was apropospropriate.
apulchrous: Not beautiful at all. Example: Unfortunately, there were a lot of apulchrous girls at the party.
aquabatty: For one who pretends to be a superhero. Example: The Tick is sooo aquabatty.
aquadextrous: Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub tap on and off with your toes. Example: Becca proved to be aquadextrous when she turned off the bathtub tap with her toes.
Aquaman: Derogatory term for someone who's useless--just as Aquaman was useless in the 1970s cartoon show The Superfriends. Example: Doc: You can't borrow your dad's car and drive us? You're useless, Aquaman.Den: So, I guess that means you'll drive. Eh?
aquamaroon: A color--like bloody water or something. Example: After the shark attacked, the water was all aquamaroon instead of its normal clear blue color.
aquanaut: Condensation that drips off a cold glass and lands on you.Combination of aqua and astronaut. Example: Don't you hate it when your glass drips aquanauts on your blouse?
aquarel: Aquatic apparrel. Diving equiptment, and such. Example: Just a mo, got to get me aquarel.
araber: One who sells produce on the sidewalk or street, usually from a horse-drawn wagon. Example: The araber paid his assistant in fruit for tending his horse.
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth Example: Some people get arachibutyrophobia when they eat sandwiches.
arachnospasm: (n) Wild gyrations one makes upon running into an unseen spider web. Example: Derek didn't see the spider web. When it hit him in the face, he flailed wildly--he had an arachnospasm, I'd say.
arama!: a suffix you add to the name of someone you are fond of as a greeting(you may have to shorten the name) Example: delerama! (for delyth)
arbit: (adj) Existing without order or predetermined reason (from arbitrary). Example: This snowstorm is arbit; we were just supposed to get rain.
arbitraitor: A judge who has been or can be bribed. Example: 1. Unfortunately, the International Skating Union seems to select too many arbitraitors to be judges. Not as bad as the basketball officials in the 1972 Olympics, though. 2. I dunno. Was the judge who overturned the murder conviction of Margaret Knoller an arbitraitor? Sure looked more and more that way when she was sentenced to only four years for involuntary manslaughter--and perjury.
arborescence, arbo: From the French word for flowchart. Commonly used among Montreal web designers. Example: Hey, did you finish the arborescence yet? I need an arbo before I start working on the interface.
arcane logic: Secret or hard to understand logic. Example: Spock readliy shows arcane logic.
archistructure: The framework of a design, particularly in software development projects.Concantenation of architecture and structure. Example: The program's archistructure is fundamentally flawed.
architectrist: A female architect. (Possibly an architectrix, as well.) Example: She was the greatest architectrist of the 20th century.
ARCHITORTURE: Post war, quickly built buildings made without any sense of aesthetics or archtectural history,and designed with planned obsolescense in mind. Example: The street was filled with buildings that can only be described as architorture.
Are you ready? Let's roll!: When Todd Beamer and other passengers on hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 decided to fight the terrorists on September 11, 2001, Todd said, Are you ready? Let's roll! That signalled to the other passengers that it was time to attack and try to take out the terrorists before the airplane reached the target the terrorists were aiming for.From the website given: Checks can be sent to:Todd Beamer FoundationPO Box 32Cranbury, NJ 08512*A nonprofit organization whose mission is meeting the long-term needs of the children who lost a parent in the events of September 11th, 2001, assisting future victims of terrorism, and continuing Todd’s passion for mentoring and equipping youth to make the same heroic choices he did throughout his life.Example: In the now immortal words of Todd, Are you ready? Let's roll!
Area 51ers: People who will see a conspiracy in everything. Example: Well, Princess Diana is dead then. I expect the Area 51ers will claim she was assasinated by UFOs.
Arfenhouse: A mansion-sized house with only one room. Tends to be high in property value for no reason whatsoever. Example: The realtor sold the Arfenhouse for eleven billion dollars.
Arg: Used to describe discontent. Especially if you just realized you seriously screwed something up. Usually used at the begining of a sentence, but can be used at the end again to make sure your discontent is clear or for more effect. Example: Arg! I spent three hours doing this essay question and I did the wrong one. Arg!
arga: Arguing. Example: Don't arga me!
argargat: An eight-letter word which was invented in 1997 as part of a psychology coursework exercise. It is known that expletives and terms of endearment very commonly have four letters, or multiples of four. Eight letters allows the speaker more than one syllable for added effect. This word uses a vowel sound associated with pain (arhh) twice, in a repeated syllable argwhich can be associated with the sound made while being strangled, followed by a sharp a and hard t demonstrating that the user has lost patience somewhat. Example: Argargat! Bloody Windows crashed again.
arghmoment: (arg-mo-mint) The moment you scream in profound anger, frustration or desperation. Example: The teacher had an arghmoment. She hit someone.
argusation: Describes a particularly long-winded argument that never achieves the critical mass to explode and finish, but goes on and on and on. Example: I wouldn't go in there. Your parents are having another argusation.
Ariba: Exclamation. A victory yell over the theft of food from another, particularly in reference to French fries. Example: Ariba! Thanks for the curly fry, loser.
Arinkydink: To be said when someone does something stupid and painfully obvious. Example: Bob pushes on a door with a huge sign that says pull. His friends say in response: Arinkydink!
aristobrat: an aristocrat who acts terribly. Example: Sarah-Jane, beware of that aristobrat slouching at the bar. He likes to flash more than his money.
arm candy: That exceptionally attractive and younger person walking with the older well-to-do person. Example: I met Dr. Watson's latest date. He always has the best arm candy.
armbow: n. A much more sensible variation of 'elbow'. Example: Lib kept getting armbowed as she tried to make her way into Westminster.
armourous: describing a less-than-disceet public show of affection Example: Those kids are certainly feeling armourous
Arniefest: The act of people screening multiple Arnold Schwarzenegger films in the one sitting. Also known as the Arn Film Festival. Example: Arniefest. My house. Friday. Be there. Or don't.
arnoubi: Arnoubi = my little rabbit. It's a Tunisian word.Example: I love you, arnoubi.
arrll-arse: Peculiar to Liverpool, England. Ancient in origin, corruption of English with Gaelic normally follows. Arrll generally considered to represent auld, Gaelic for old. Means an old trick, but more specifically used throughout the socio-demographic strata to describe someone who is sly. Example: Yous did a really arrll-arse trick yesterday.
arrove: Past tense of arrive. Example: He arrove yesterday.
arse clown: Someone who has screwed up or is stupid. Example: Jerry Springer is a world-famous arse clown.
arse pirate: Intoxicated man (almost never a woman) who touches or pats the bottoms of female nightclub patrons. Arse pirates nearly always dance casually in a swaying motion to conceal their intentions. Example: Watch out, there's an arse pirate behind you. OR I just got caught by an arse pirate. OR This place is full of arse pirates.
arsefication: Making a mess of a job. Or saying something stupid Example: What sort of arsefication is this.
arseholic: A person suffering from the condition of being unable to stop being an arsehole Example: The condition became so uncontrollable I had to attend Arseholics Anonymous just to be nice to people.
arsey: Derived from arse, the British spelling of ass.Describes someone behaving negatively in an angry or agressive manner. Example: 1. on't get arsey with me.2. Isuggested doing xyz and she got all arsey about it.
ART: Acronym: Assuming Room Temperature. Dying or dead. Used by emergency room staff to describe DOA or unsavable patients. Example: Forget him, he's ART. Let's get that kid over there.
artattack: The act of feeling an overwhelming desire to create art. Example: The musician had an artattack and wrote a fantastic tune.
Artbuster (noun): An arthouse movie that crosses over to be a big mainstream hit. First used in Variety Deal Memo and picked up by other movie publications Example: The Piano and Trainspotting are two the the 90s most notable artbusters
Artichock: A hardened piece of vegetable matter, used to wedge uneven tables, hold open doors, etc. Example: Pass me that old carrot--it'll make a usefull artichock
Article Formation: A word used to persuade a group of people to turn chairs into a speakers direction Example: Lets get into Article Formation Guys!
artificial intelligence: refers to the hair color (other than blonde) of someone who acts like a blonde (dingy) Example: I know he has red hair, but it must be artificial intelligence.
artractulation: The strategy of displaying artistic creations to enhance one's attractiveness. Example: Among his most effective artraculations was his performance of Fascinating Rhythm for Annabelle in an original double bass arrangement.
Arvilinitis: A compulsion to go to your friend's house and drink all their beer and eat all their pizza. Example: After they destroyed my bachelor pad staples, the Dunham boys inform me they had a severe case of Arvilinitis.
asap-ish: From ASAP. As soon as possible, but only sort of. Example: I'll sort it out asap-ish.
asasp: The tense, awkward silence previous to and the retaliation against something said that is disgusting or perverted. Example: Bryon told me that he wanted to lick my fingers. The resulting asasp was violent.
ASCII art: A collection of standard ASCII characters used to create images. Can be extremely complex or extremely simple, though rarely contained to just one line. See Also: Emoticons. Example: That ASCII art of the cow was quite creative. :D
asexy: An asexual organism that is particularly attractive. Example: That is one asexy amoeba.
Asimov's law: That no robot can harm a human, or by inaction allow harm to come to a human. Invented by Isaac Asimov, but now generally accepted. Example: Borg, fully aware of Asimov's Law, wondered why the robot was strangling him.
asineight: So stupid that it doesn't even make it to the nine in asinine. Example: Hiring all those second-string Andersen people as dotcom execs was the most asineight thing we ever did.
Ask DJ!: Following a questionable statement, this provides instant and impeccable credibility. Example: What, you don't believe me? Ask DJ!
aslake attack: When you are mostly asleep but partially awake and you suddenly twitch a body part because something in your almost dream did so. Example: I had an aslake attack last night and involuntarily slapped myself in the head.
Asok: From the Dilbert comic strip. An gullible intern or temp employee that's just begging to be abused. Example: Get the Asok to clean your desk...it's disgusting Get Asok to make 140 copies of this and hand collate it for the meeting
Asperg: Any human, male or female, with Asperger's Syndrome; an intriguing form of autism found in bizarre famous people like Glenn Gould and Andy Warhol. Example: I'm telling you! Frank is an Asperg! He's socially inept even though he's good at math. And he can't stop talking about these boring subjects!
asru: asru is the emotion composed a mixture of awe, fear, wonder, and joy often experienced at the moment of epiphany. It may also describe the emotion that a worshipper has in apprehension of God or divinity. Example: When he realized that he could explain their behavior on molecular, sociological, evolutionary, and spiritual scales, he blinked back tears grinningly as he was overcome with asru.
ass: used to emphasise the word it is attached to. Example: that is one expensive-ass monitor!
ass: Nasty; incompetent. Example: Your layout of that page was so ass. No, that girl you picked up -- SHE was ass!
ass chimney: Random insult. Example: Ed: Hey, I just killed your daughter.Ted: You ass chimney, I don't have a daughter.Ed: Then who was that...
ass, butt: The last half-inch or so of beer at the bottom of a bottle that tastes terrible. Example: I can't drink any more of this, it's down to ass.
Assad's Bread: To be used in any formal examination where the answer to an impossibly difficult question is not known. Originally used by Assad. In response to a question asked, he simply replied with all seriousness, Bread. We loved him for it. Example: Q. Construct a structure factor diagram for the reflection of a protein crystal that contains one kind of anomalously scattering atoms Fb, and show the contribution of Fb with respect to the Patterson Summation. Show how the grouping together of the sine and cosine of the angles can yield information on the phase difference problem. A. Bread?
Assariffic: Something that is not good. Example: My weekend was assariffic! Friday I got pulled over and sunday I lost my homework.
ASSCAN: What to do if it's your fault. Act Suprised, Show Concern, Admit Nothing. Example: My high school counseler's policy was complete ASSCAN.
assclown: Someone who's more than just a regular ass. Example: The assclown on the bicycle caused a six car pileup.
assed out: To be left out, or to come across misfortune that is not of your doing that you have no control over. Example: If the guy in front of you bought the last one, then you're just assed out.
assed out: To become unconscious after drinking heavily. Example: A: Wheres Pete?B: Oh, he got mad drunk and assed out on the couch.
Assemblieizer: One who assembles assemblies Example: Ali is the Assemblieizer for the high school
asserole: A posterior so appealing that it compels one to return for seconds. Example: May I have another serving of asserole?
Assfly: Incredibly annoying person that follows you around and joins in other people's conversations Example: Beware, Assfly is coming this way
asshat: 1. A general insult used to describe a person who is being an idiot or a loser.You'll know one when you see one.It is not to be confused with asset.If someone assumes you said asset then she is obviously an asshat.2. It can also be used as a nickname. Example: Graeme, why'd you do that, asshat? Come on, Asshat. Stop being an asshat!
assholian: A variation on assholic--behavior that is particularly in the manner of an asshole; inordinately unpleasant behavior. Example: My brother was being truly assholian last night, playing his XBOX when I wanted to watch Half Baked.
assholic: (adj) In the manner of an asshole, behaving like a jerk. Example: Gee-whiz, Walter, spitting in that man's soup was genuinely assholic of you.
assiotic: This is a word I created when I was teen--many, many years ago. It's a combination of of ass and idiotic when just one of the two words is not enough to convey your thoughts. It was and still is amazing how many people understand the gist of the word when used in proper context. Example: That was an assiotic thing to do.
assitude: The attitude you get from someone who is being a total jerk. Example: I don't know what's the matter with Chris today--his assitude is almost unbearable.
assjack: Similar to jackass, but more severe when used to refer to a particular person. Example: N. Leave me alone, assjack. V. Quit assjacking around.
assload: to describe an amount of something Example: man I have an assload of laundry to do
assministrator: A person who abuses her position of authority. Example: That vice principal is a real assministrator.
assmosis: Chronic kiss-ass. Example: Frank's a brown-noser. I think he's come down with a bad case of assmosis.
assness: Smartass. Example: Thanks al ot, assness!
assoholic: One addicted to being an asshole; acting in a manner so as to continually upset those around you. Example: That was the third time that assoholic cut me off.
assonist: A person who attempts a flame thrower effect by setting fire to her farts. Example: Larry, why are your shorts burnt? You're not an assonist are you?
asspants: a mild expletive for non-americans. if american, the word should be 'bumknickers'. Example: Asspants! i left my wallet at home!
asspirin: n. Pain reliever of any type taken to relief a non-physical pain-in-the-ass. Example: After listening to his teachers gripe at him all day, Casper was in dire need of a couple of asspirins.
asstagonist: n. Non-essential character in a made for TV or B movie featured to attract male viewers. Example: I couldn't really follow the subplots or pick up on any deeper meaning to the story, but damn that flic had a reall hot asstagonist.
asstard: One who is in a position of power, but too inept to excercise it fairly. Example: That professor gave me a C. Asstard.
asstastic/asstacular: Completely horribly--really**2 bad. Example: You played totally asstastic last night.
asstraulch: Assault + stretch.The unintentional action, while yawning and stretching ones arms, to strike someone nearby. Example: I asstraulched the girl behind me in homeroom this morning. What can I say, she was leaning forward too much.
asstronomical: Very large. Used when a person's butt is so big you can hardly believe your eyes. Example: As Chris walked by, Christina said to Alexa, Did you see his butt? It was asstronomical.
asstrophy (from atrophy): The numbness in your behind from sitting too long. Example: If that meeting gone on any longer, my asstrophy would have been permanent.
assumably: Corruption of assuming and presumably. Example: The last book I read by this author was very entertaining. Assumably, his new one will be too.
astrogeekological: Word describing someone who is way too into astrology and can tell you your sign without even thinking about it. Example: January 2nd? Ooooh, bad news, baby, that boy is a nasty ol' Capricorn. Honey, you need to find yourself an Aquarius, I tell you.
astropimpmobile: a vehicle worthy of photographing and entering into a contest Example: Your T-bird is a total astropimpmobile, you should enter it.
asymdope: Someone with a lot of space between her ears--in other words, a dumb person. Example: He doesn't know the first President of the United States? What an asymdope.
asyougo: The place at the top of or bottom of the stairs where stuff gets piled to be taken up or down the next time you're going that way. Example: Here, take this upstairs will you? Just put it on the asyougo and I'll get it next time
atavistic nostalgia: Noun/ A mental game in which one expresses a fond remembrance of, & longing for, personalities &/or events with whom they themselves could have had no personal acquaintance or experience. Example: Jennifer Lopez remembering the day she gave a royal command performance for Queen Victoria.
Ate up: Anything that's worn out, rusted out and ready for the trashcan. 1980s army slang. Example: The tires on that truck are ate up!
Ate Up: Overly committed to something. Example: A: Check out Bob. He's ate up over this new job. B: Yeah, he'll be head fry cook one day.
ateupwiththedumbass: When someone is really dull or stupid. Example: Look at that guy. He's really ateupwiththedumbass.
ATF: Asshole Toleration Factor. Example: Had to bust out of that staff meeting. My ATF was at an all time low and I was fixin' to hit someone.
athabitajay: A had to be there joke. Example: It was sooooooo funny. (no laughter) OK, then it was an athabitajay.
atifah: Person of satanic origin. Usually owns her own bowling alley, hair has preserved itself, etc.. Example: Rowena is nothing if not atifah.
Atlantish: Very typical of what you'd find in Atlanta. Example: The crowd at the concert at Chastain Amphitheatre was so Atlantish, eating and drinking in high style while thoroughly enjoying the music.
ATM disease: Having a wallet or pocket full of only $20 bills, usually recently acquired from an automatic teller machine. Example: Hey, Paul, can you break a $20? I've got a serious case of ATM disease, and I really need a Coke.
atom splitter: Sarcastic description of an unintelligent person, antithetical to the use of the phrases rocket scientistand brain surgeon. Alternatively, a hangover of magnificent proportions, such that the sufferer feels and behaves like her neurons have fused together. Example: Do you know Nancy? She's a real atom splitter, ain't she? OR I woke up this morning with a real atom splitter.
atomstalgia: Nostalgia for 1950s/60s cold war imagery. The feeling of disappaointment that the World War III hsan't started yet. Example: These really bright August days remind me of Doctor Strangelove. I'm getting a strong burst of atomstalgia.
atonavoicia: A disorder of comprehension. Sufferers are unable to extract the hidden (and often completely contrary) meaning of a sentence based on the speaker's tone of voice alone. Example: Sufferers are unable to discern that No, I'm fine can actually mean Oh, God! I want to die!
Atsumara'u: meaning same as what's the matter with you Example: Atsumara'u, I told you to get me the shovel.
attaché: A person who uses a fake ID to get into a bar, but still makes his friend over 21 buy him his drinks. Example: Jane: Who's he?Jay: He's my attaché, he's too scared to get his own drinks.
attackle: Sringing on top of someone and knocking them to the ground. Example: Gena attackled me after I got home from overseas.
attakid: A (usually sarcastic) expression of acknowledgment, nice job, or congratulations. Example: I didn't finish my chemistry homework!Attakid.
attention whore: A person or housepet who is starved for attention to the point of being annoying. Example: Your dog always follows me around. What an attention whore.
attitudal: When someone is sporting an attitude. Example: What's her problem today, she is being so attitudal.
Attitude: Pornographic material. Example: Schools ban all attitude websites.
attitudinal: Being overly difficult or cranky. Example: Listen to me, young lady. Don't get attitudinal with me.
attorniquette: 1. The established rules of civility between lawyers.2. Rules of engagement between adversarial lawyers.3. What lawyers used to kill each other in combat. Example: Jan's objections to the color of the witness's tie was outside the bounds of attorniquette.
attritionist: someone who actively tries to be abrasive and rude; someone whose people skills involve rubbing people the wrong way to make them go away. Usually associated with someone whose postion grants her power by who she's associtated with, such as an administrative assistant (secretary). Example: Barbara is a real attritionist unless she likes you.
Audi: To leave. Example: I'm audi.
Audi Like Five Geez: To leave quickly. Example: I'm Audi Like Five Geez, gee.
audient: Singular of audience. Example: I'll sing. You be the audient.
audiographic: A sound effect of original design used in electronic media designed to stimulate an image in the subconscious mind Example: The use of clucking hens in the radio commercial inspired an image of women hagnagging in the deli, an audiogrqaphic only a man could appreciate.
audiolize: to imagine what something would sound like; analogous to visualize, only with sound Example: When reading a boring textbook, it's fun to audiolize your favorite cartoon character saying the words
aufschlagen: the very moment of arriving at a place, after some fast travel, to take some action at the place. used as a verb. Example: i will aufschlagen at ben´s tonight.
Auger or Augered: A mountain biking term for crashing. Specifically, the impact between rider and the ground. Example: I flew off the trail, hit a log, then augered really bad.
Aunacity: Asinine+ audacity. Being stupidly stubborn in a very bold way.Example: Can you believe the aunacity of that Chris?! Sandy said as idignantly as possible for dramatic effect.
Auntie Em: 1. Affectionate colloquialism for automatic teller machine, or ATM.2. Very generous relative so as to be like an ATM.3. To open betting, as in ante. Example: 1. Can we go visit Auntie Em? I'm strapped.2. I'm always glad when grandma comes cause she always Auntie Ems when she leaves.3. Will you Auntie Em already so we can play this hand?
austintexious: A prententious display of largeness. Example: My neighbor's new SUV is really austintexious.
autemail: Sounds like naughty mail. Those annoying emails that you must reply to in order to activate your account. Example: After signing up for a bunch of e-zines, I had a billion autemails to reply to.
authentimasticate: To chew in order to confirm authenticity of an object or person. Example: Make sure you authentimasticate any would-be triangle players before you allow them to join the band. You can never be safe these days-- there's lots of bogus tambouriners itching to have a go.
auto-ballet: The dance done in heavy traffic by cars competing for lane spots and exit ramps. Example: After witnessing a dangerously complex auto-ballet, Ed took the next exit to wait for traffic to subside.
auto-buyography: One's own buying history. Example: Read my auto-buyography to see why my bank balance is zero.
auto-spillosis: The unsettling feeling of thinking you've spilled the drink you hold between your legs while driving, when in fact you haven't. Example: Derek, distracted by a momentary case of auto-spillosis drove his car off of the bridge into a concrete embankment, thereby actually spilling his soda.
automagically: Something that automatically works but nobody knows why, especially used in reference to web design and development. Example: We called him Magic Mike-- because so many things he did seemed to work automagically.But there was no magic at all.He just saw something the rest of us didn't.
Automagically: A word used to describe an event or action that one cannot explain rationally. Example: I got in the shower, and automagically my date called. or So, you put the fabric in the machine and it comes out the other end as a shirt. How's that happen? I dunno..automagically.
automatic diva: The rise of a pop star to angelic status via the success of a hit single. Example: Britney Spears? She's a good example of an automatic diva.
automobility: To have possession (and uninhibited use) of a car. Example: You have automobility; give me ride home.
avagoodweegend: Traditional australian salutation spoken when leaving place of work on Friday. Orignally from an insect repellent commercial. Example: You off then? Avagoodweegend.
avagoodweekend: Australian slang used to wish someone a pleasant weekend. Example: Remember the Aeroguard, and avagoodweekend.
avaladhan: That's all. Conveying that nothing more can be done. Example: When Sachin's wicket fell, Swami got up exasperated saying, Avaladhan.
averative: Average of an adjective and an adverb. Example: Percentaqegly is an averative.
avigastronome: One of a number of words we don't need for things we don't have. An avigastronome is a restaurant where they serve the same kind of food you get on airplanes. Example: Montmorency stopped in for a quick snack at his neighborhood avigastronome prior to going to his job at the silo.
Avoconesocial: An insult. No real meaning, it's just a word used to make you look smarter than the other person because it's a long word. Example: Parker, I've had enough of your avoconesocials.
avoision: To keep away, refrain from doing something or seeing someone, etc. Commonly mistaken as evasion or avoiding. Coined by the news reader Kent Brockman. Example: Krusty the clown was arrested for tax avoision.
avolio: The hourglass shaped connecting part that traditionally joins the bowl to the stem of a goblet. (See also merise) Example: The martini glass was poorly made; the avolio was way off center and not well proportioned.
Aw, pixy stix!: A phrase you say when you see a mess and just know you're gonna have to clean it up. Example: Aw, pixy stix! Somebody spilled sugar all over the kitchen floor.
awesomity: The highest state of awesome. Example: Joe is making leaps and bounds towards awesomity
awkwidity: The term given during a moment of awkwardness Example: When Marty told Michael that he loved him, you could sense the awkwidity in the air.
aws: Awesome. Usually preceded by totally. Example: All the hot Craver chicks are totally aws.
awtfristo: A local slang word for a bus stop. Example: Are you going to the awtfristo?
AWW-ite: Good and bad word.Can express pleasure or disdain.Stress is on the AWW, never the ite.Watch Friday or next Friday for more hints on usage...use sparingly... Example: Them: We going out tonight?You: AWW-ite.Them: Can I borrow some money?You: Nope.Man, you always borrow money--you need a job.AWW-ite, you need some paychecks in your pocket, so what are you waiting for?A grant for being you?Get some real dealio billios in your wallet.
axe: to make an inquiry Example: John wants to axe you a question
ay: Used to get someone's attention. If you can't remember a name, don't know it, or just don't feel like saying it. Example: Ay! Can you get me a bottle of coke, please?
ay me: It is used when someone is really frustrated or stressed out.Especially if they are trying to deal with a lot of things at once or if they are confused about what's going on. Example: Ay me! Why can't I figure this out?
aya: (exclam) Used when you remember something you were supposed to have done an hour ago Example: Aya! I should have mailed that check this morning!
AYPWIP: Abbreviation for the infamous catanoic reponse of The Brain from W.B. Animaniacs, Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Example: Say Dave, AYPWIP?
Ayrton: London rhyming slang for a ten pound note, named after late Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna. Ayrton Senna = tenner. Example: Lend us an Ayrton, you tight git.
Ayup: pron (ee-up) Lancashire (UK) dialect used as a welcome (Hello) or an exclamation (To draw attention to something). Example: Ayup, how are you? OR Ayup, have you seen that over there?

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